
a valentines birthday mashup

So as the general populace is aware, today is

I've never been a hater of the holiday, but having a husband definitely makes the day a WAY better than when I was single!
(For more than one reason, wink!)

Oh this dear sweet man!
His birthday is also coming up on Saturday the 23rd, and instead of doing two mushy gushy posts about why I'm so in love with him, and forever will be, etc etc etc

I decided to combine them into one and spare you the sap fest.

Over the course of knowing Christian
(almost 5 years! HOW?!)
and especially since getting married to him, he has taught me A LOT.

From him, I've learned to enjoy simple things in life.
Like the pleasure of eating a piece of toast and cookie butter together after a long day.

To suck it up and do hard things, even if you don't want to.

To constantly ask for forgiveness, and seek to be forgiving.
Even when the other person doesn't neccessarily deserve it.
*cough* me *cough*

To LOVE learning. 

That humor can make almost every situation better.
He (and his many facial expressions) make me laugh so hard it gives me double chins!
That's good humor folks.

To be open to new ideas and activities, even if they don't initially thrill you.

To constantly pursue improvement, in EVERY aspect of life.

The blessings of frugality.

And the value of good, HARD work.

 Ladies and gentlemen, Christian is a champion at every single one of these things, 
and so many more!
 This basically sums up how I feel about you, dearest.
You light up my world, like all those little orbs around our heads ;)

Happy Birthday/Valentines Day/Almost 10 month anniversary!!!!
I love you, sugar plum twinkle toes lover boy!!!!

1 comment:

alexa said...

Aw I love this! So so cute.

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