
My phone at work is so Asian...

Today when I went in, the screen said
"You have voicemail"

So basically I'm going to tell you a story. A hypothetical story, of melodramatic proportions.

Once there was a girl.
And she was in school.
And school decided to take a horrible turn 
So did other things.
Like her sinuses.
Also her bank account.
And anything else stressful you can imagine.
Well then school handed her a big plate of midterms.
And then gave her the finger.
Yeah, the middle finger.
So remember her sinuses were also attacking her face, 
whilst midterms were attacking her brain.
And mostly she just wanted to wake up and die every day.
But she didn't.
And she took those tests.
And she didn't do super hott on them
And sadly she saved her worst test for last.
And because of her track record, she was scared out of her mind to take this accounting test.
So then she went to four hour long review sessions.
And spent weekend nights in the library.
And 7 straight hours in the TA lab.
And she may or may not have skipped several classes to keep studying.
may or may not have. 
Then one day,
a day like today,
she took that *%$# accounting test
and PWNED it folks.
And regardless of all other stressful things,
The end.

Hm. I feel like I have heard this story before, but it still makes me incessantly happy.
Job well done, accountingtestkillinggirl!
*insert sarcastic, knowing laughter*

Also.... You may have heard of the Maroon 5 song "Wake up Call". Well, there is a line in there that goes something like this:
"6 foot tall, came without a warning, so I had to shoot him dead."

Well about 3 years ago, Nicole and I, 2 very hearing impaired young women, decided that the line was actually:
"6 foot door, came without a warning, so I had to shoot him dead"

This line has been stuck in my head for days now, along with this image:

Happy Wednesday.
I'm going to go eat some ice cream or something.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

i have never laughed so freaking hard in my life. i LOVE YOU. yay for being done with all of your tests! i'm so proud, you are such a scholar!

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