
bad habits

Obviously "not writing stuff" is a bad habit I'm suffering from at the moment. Life's just hung me out to dry the last few weeks, so I'm recouping. Good news though, I'm back on my B Game
(a little less than A Game, but better than F Game!)
so. There's that.

Anyways, I've been thinking a lot lately about my bad habits, because I have a few that drive me crazy. I'm sure Christian could tell you that I've got WAY more bad habits than this (like tickling him which he HATES, but I honestly don't see the problem...), but here are the glaring ones that I've noticed lately. They make me laugh, and you're going to think I'm crazy.

I drink a ton of water. WHAT A BAD HABIT! 
Ha just joking. But because I drink so much, I have to refill my water bottle every hour or so during the day. When I'm at home, I usually turn the faucet on and let it run for 30 seconds or so, to cool down, because I like my water to be freezing. Usually I get distracted while that happens and wind up changing a diaper, or thinking "hey i haven't eaten!" and then start cooking something, or I hop in the shower, or I'm doing my makeup, and before I know it, the sink has been on for literally 20 minutes.

This happens at least once a day, I'm not kidding.

In the same vein, I'm awful about eating food and not finishing it. I can guarantee that there is always some bag of half eaten carrots, or several neglected granola bars in my bag. Last week there were 3 apples in there. THREE! In October, I also found a half eaten granola bar in our pantry that I can only assume I left there because Christian is an adult and finishes his food, and Nash is just like "gimme rice cereal." I have a hard time finishing meals lately too, because I'm usually navigating the circus that is feeding my 6 month old monkey.
I mean baby.
Why then, if I'm not eating, am I not 3 pant sizes smaller than before I got pregnant?
Spoiler alert: it's called donuts. I can definitely finish donuts.

So I guess what I need to learn from these bad habits is it's actually a deeper rooter issue: I don't follow through! I have all these plans like "drink water!" and "eat food!" and then I'm just like "yeah maybe not". And don't even get me started on the cookies I meant to take to our neighbor that somehow ended up disappearing instead...
(I lied. I can finish cookies AND donuts)

I need a life coach or something.


Lana said...

Come visit us in Texas! We'll teach you the power of follow through by taking you to barbecue and chicken restaurants! :)

Unknown said...

I love the "B Game." As long as it isn't an F game or Z game these days I'm feeling pretty good.

Chantel said...

Hahaha I love this!! First, pretty sure I've been oscillating between C and F game for months now.

Also, just love when you post because you're so real, and it makes me want to go write. Because sometimes I just want to write, "What in the freak, Life?? What is going on, and what's all these emotions?" And then I read what you write and think, okay, everything is normal. I am normal. Life is normal. So thank you!

Marla said...

I totally have to agree with what, Chantel said. I love reading your blog, because I feel totally normal. If Brooke struggles with staying on her A game, then I'm feeling way better about my B or C or Z game. :) Don't we all have random, weird, annoying habits that bug us out of our mind?? I totally do. Just lucky Sam seems to deal with it :)

Stacy said...

Sorry I'm way behind on reading blogs, but can I say 100% YES to donuts. Always donuts. Never an unfinished donut. Unfinished donuts are not actually a thing in my world.

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