
dream a little dream

Yes yes, another one of my fabulous dreams. This one was just too good, I had to write it down somewhere.

So I am just wandering around some random dorm hall on some random college campus with some random girls I don't know.

All of the sudden,
In what MUST have been a telepathic moment,
A group of about 7 of us look at each other and break into perfect harmony, singing Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek".

Soon an audience had gathered,
and we were theee spectacle of the century. I mean, this was a song of staggeringly epic proportions. It was mezmerizing.

Then, we finish.... and all walk away like it was nothing.
Like "oh NBD we just sang the coolest version of that song ever without even discussing it beforehand but lets just all walk away without even talking to each other"


Oh and p.s! Explain to me how this works.
So Jason DeRulo right? Remember his song "Whatcha Say"? PFT YEAH. Can you say he totally ripped off Imogen Heap?! He totally ripped off Imogen Heap! Not even a "feat. Imogen Heap"!

Srsylz? Come on let's not be lame Jason.
also, here is the original song, the one we sang in my dream... just for kicks :)


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