Well hiya.
It's Brooke again, this time comin' attcha from the BYU in the not-so-dirty south aka Provo.
So I keep meeting people down here who also braved your campus at some point in the past. And it has been making me think about you more than usual. And the other day whilst doing that, I realized something.
You may have been freezing.
You may have been SO freezing that the first week of class, the inside of my nose froze. completely.
(Thanks for that new experience by the way)
SO freezing that I had to wear the most insane coat possible, which in turn just caused a sweat fest as soon as I stepped inside the sweltering buildings.
SO freezing that nothing besides hanging out in my apartment on the weekends was fun.
You may have been tiny.
You may have been SO tiny that to drive from one side of town to the other, only took 8 minutes.
SO tiny that even Idaho Falls looked exciting. Which in real life is SO not the case. Unless you are going to Cafe Rio, but that is the only exception.
You may have been boring.
You may have been SO boring that all my roommates and I could do every weekend was rent 7 movies... and watch them all.
You may have stolen three and a half months of my life.
andYou may have even given me Mono.
you were also a lot of really good things too.
you were also a lot of really good things too.
Thanks to you,
I met my dear friends Share Bear, the real life Pointer Sisters, and Sara, Ashley, Andie and Josh. I also got to spend time with old friends, like Chris and Jessie. Thanks to you, I learned NOT to run outside when it is really icy. Which to be honest is a really good lesson to learn. Thanks to you, I fell in love with my media classes, in turn getting me even more pumped for my advertising minor.
You also helped me enjoy new things.
-Like Taco Time and chicken cesar burritos.
-Feeding the ducks and walking random dogs when there is nothing else to do on holidays off of school.
-Tackling snow men at 11 pm like it's our job.
-Watching movies in the freezing lounge... but dealing with it because of the insane t.v. screen and crazy comfy couches.
-Eating at Craigos and LOVING the desert pizza
-Driving down the hill towards Applebees and listening to great music
-Having dance parties with roommates instead of studying
-Watching all season 10 of Friends with Sharon in 3 days
-Eating my weight in cereal and rice milk on a weekly basis
-Theraputic trips to the Cocoa Bean
-Walking through the falling snow listening to the Narnia soundtrack
-Getting over old boys
-Cooking in my crock pot
-Middle Eastern Culture
-Late night Frosty runs, where they give you the ones the size of tic-tacs
-Getting sucked in to Heros, and then unsucked because it wasted way too much time
-Finally seeing grass and getting over SAD as warm weather approached
And a lot of other really great things.
Basically I am trying to tell you this.
I think I love you now.
I may have been disappointed and hated you a little sad at first :) but in retrospect, I really had a lot of fun with you.
I am glad to be back in my dearest Provo, but you added a chapter to my life that included many a funny memory and many more a learning experience.
Thanks for teaching me patience, and especially for letting me come home in one piece.
It's been real.
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