

I am pretty sure I saw that show once, and I thought it was retarded
Good thing I am smarter than average, and am therefore not referencing said retarded show, but rather the newish blog outfit.

(Is it just me? Or has the blogging world sort of deemed it necessary to acknowledge anytime something changes with the look of your blog? I mean, if I didn't, who knows what all my loyal followers would do?! Probably have a stress-induced "ohemgeewhydoesbrooke'sbloglookdifferentdoessheevenknow" seizure.)


Anyways, I was getting really bored with the look (aka my "french flea market" template from shabby blogs. totz the cutes layouts, lolz!), so I did some housekeeping and changed the background, along with the addition of some pikchurs. Mostly for my viewing pleasure because I love the people in my life. 

Why did I decide this would be a good idea at 11pm?
While I am laying in bed with a very good book I could have otherwise been reading?
While I still have all my makeup on, and oh by the way it is now 12:24 am?
And I am significantly tired?

No tengo ni idea.
But I don't really need to defend myself, because it's Christmas break jigga, and I do what I want.

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