
on hard work. or lack thereof.

The other day I picked up a book that my 6th grade teacher gave me years ago.

In it, he left the note:
"To Brooke, for all the hard work and dedication you exhibit daily in your life."
It got me thinking, long and hard actually.

Sometimes, my life is the exact OPPOSITE of hard work and dedication. 
I will be the first to admit that a lot of the time, I am a significantly lazy person. 
Super stressed with homework one night, Brooke? 
Probably because you procrastinated. Again.
Feeling rather sluggish?
Probably because you didn't get your lazy butt out to exercise. Again.
Spiritually slumpy? 
Probably because you couldn't manage to wake up 20 minutes early and read your scriptures. Again.
Tummy ache? 
Probably because you were too lazy to make real food, so you ate ice cream for dinner. Again.

My point is... 
A lot of my frustrations in life stem from being lazy and not taking care of the necessities. 
No matter how boring they are, or how tired I am, or how much I just DON'T want to assume my responsibilities, I am always 1000% happier in the long run when I do. 

That note really struck a chord with me.
And I am hereby taking it upon myself to find better ways to incorporate hard work and 
dedication into my life.

Raise your glass to happiness, folks. 


Nicole said...

heres to mr. davidson. i love you brooke

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love this.

and rest assured, you are NOT the only one!!!

i have plenty of days like that too girl!!
:) cute blog!

danielle said...

LOVE blog friends! and yours is absolutely darling.

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