
weird things you probably never wanted to know part 3

- Looking at color pallets brings me unnatural happiness.
No, not just happiness...
More like and unadulterated bliss-seizure.
Seriously the website www.design-seeds.com is like my version of crack.
(And my google search stats just got a lot sketchier...)

- I haven't gone longer than 2 days with unpainted toenails...
Hi, my name is Brooke, and I'm addicted to nail polish.

- My favorite books are Harry Potter, the Fountainhead, and I Capture the Castle. 
Here is the weird part. 
I bought I Capture the Castle when I was 16 because my movie star idol Emma Watson claimed it was also one of her favorites. I know. I am still laughing about that.

- I sneeze when I eat minty things.

- I am an ambassador for the cancer awareness group SuperSibs!
And I will be organizing anf speaking at 2 public events this year.
Gasp, I am such the celebrity.

- I can't eat a whole banana to save my life.
I'm sorry folks, but the whole weird texture thing is just too much for me to handle.

- When I was in 3rd grade, I won 2nd place in a national art contest.
What happened to my skillz?!

- Once I ate a whole jar of pickles in one sitting.
Okay, maybe that has happened more than once.....

- When I was younger, I used to skip school to practice the piano.

- I have NEVER been skiing or snowboarding.
And I live in Utah, home to "the greatest snow on earth"

And lest I bore you any further.....


Kimber said...

are you kidding me on the nail polish thing?! holy freaking cow i cannot believe that haha.

jessica said...

I love pickles!!! but, I also love bananas, LOL!

Happy Monday!

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