
this is ironic because my friend Kimber posted the exact same thing today

So I'm sure all 12 of you are wondering what the day-to-day life is like in the Carter household.
Well never fear. 
I am about to tell you.

7:30-8:00am  Press snooze on each of our phones about 12 times

8:00-8:16ish  make Christian snuggle for a little longer.

8:16  say goodbye as Christian gets out of  bed to go be productive. 
(Maybe always sometimes I go back to sleep.)

9:00am  finally haul lazy bum out of bed.
Yes it takes me an hour and a half to wake up each day, thanksforasking.

9:00-9:17ish  make Christian snuggle some more!
(It's a reeeaaal good morning routine)

9:20-10ish Eat breakfast and stuff. Sometimes we even make pancakes!
(This is what happens when I attempt to make said pancakes.
Hence the reason why Christian is the designated breakfast master!)

10-11ish read scriptures, write in journals, talk, snuggle more, etc. etc.

11ish Shower time!

11:40 bid farewell as Christian leaves for work.....
.....after which I contemplate my fate for the day.

If I'm lucky, one of the following will happen:

- Shower. haha I kid, I kid..... mostly.......
-Job interview (few and far between)
-Grocery shopping, in which I will only buy canned and frozen food because I don't have any of my seasonings yet, and therefore cannot make delicious meals yet, BOOO,
and I'm too cheap  smart to buy more.
- Library. This hasn't necessarily happened, but I will work it in somehow, someday...
-Run. This has only happened once. Again, I will work it in somehow, someday.....
- Clean. I'm getting really good at this! Except I only have windex and clorox wipes at my disposal, which makes scrubbing the bathroom floor awkward and difficult, to say the least.
- Read. I'm also getting really good at this!
- Fill out job applications, and call lots. of. businesses. to see. if. they're. hiring.
I'm definitely getting good at this.
-And finally, eat ice cream, stalk blogs, get on facebook 500 times, fall asleep after 5pm, and any other degrading and time-wasting activity you can probably think of.

The rest of a typical day is actually pretty boring,
(as if all that other stuff was SUPER EXCITING, right!?) 
and usually involves eating dinner around 9 oclock, playing a game, watching a movie and..... other stuff.
The end.

Oh and here is one more cool thing I want to tell you.
The other night, I had a mini melt down on my sweet husband.
Tears included.
In a moment of pure inspiration and complete sweetness on his part, he says
"Babe, would you like to watch Little Women tonight?"

And then any tiny, slight doubt I could ever possibly have about marrying Christian Durrant Carter promptly flew out the window. And here's the best part....
Not only does he watch Little Women with me, but he actually enjoys it!
He's a keeper.

Ok. I'm done.

1 comment:

Kimber said...

oh hey there twin! hang in there, it'll get better! also, too bad christian doesn't have a superman costume on underneath that suit bc it looks like that kind of picture...just saying

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