
wellness wednesday: a rant and a story about my shoulder

I'm a stomach sleeper, through and through.
However sometimes, I defy my normal routine and find myself sleeping on my side. 
I tend to scrunch my shoulders in a lot when I sleep like this,
(I think maybe because I only sleep with one, very flat pillow?? Anyone else??)
 and over the last year, it's totally KILLED my right shoulder.
 Like, "it crunches when I move it and my alignment is off" kind of killed it.
This dumb carpal tunnel also affects it so...... yeah. 
Basically I'm 100 years old, and it bothers me.
A lot.

I've been struggling to figure out the best way to help it because let's be real,
 I haven't got the monies for physical therapy and I'm only 23 for goodness sakes!

Well guess what. 
My die hard obsession with weight training is paying off.
Over the last 4 months, I've strengthened my chest, upper back, and shoulder muscles just enough that I can feel my shoulder joints being pulled in nice and tight. And for the first time in body pump on Monday night, it didn't bother me at all
Time for me to get into body building much??

I'm telling you guys. 
Weight bearing exercises are my fountain of youth. 
I swear by the power that's behind strong muscles, both literally and figuratively. 
If you can handle weight lifting, I HIGHLY recommend it because it's so so so good for you!
(Bonus if you can find a good class to go to because I can guarantee you won't ever push yourself as hard as you will in an hour of Body Pump.
Also, you will get super tight bunskies. And who's not all about that, amiright?)

And with that, I end my rant.

 *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

update: I'm going to be a weeny for a minute and complain about my dumb body, because well.
I just am. 
This morning I went to Zumba and my legs felt like straight up bowling balls.
Also because I have flat feet, they basically ache ALL THE TIME while I exercise, which is probably a bad thing.... but oh well.
On the upside, at least I won't ever get drafted!
Also, my new wrist brace is off the chain. Except for the fact that when I take it off, my wrist and hand pop and crack for like 10 straight minutes. Also it looks ridiculous, and my boss has taken to calling me CT
(for "carpal tunnel" of course!)
which is cool and kind of ridiculous I guess.
ALSO I have shin splints because of.... my feet? Over enthusiasm? Bad knees? All the above?
Basically I'm just really tired this morning, the past few days have SLAYED me and I don't have the energy to be happy or mad or anything.
I'm just...........
Really complain-y. 
The end.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I know this post is like 4 months ago but I just wanted to say that I feel ya on the body aches not matching the age thing. I wish I was as well versed as you on building stronger muscles around said injury though. I can't lift weights or anything. I have been told all I can do is swim.....too bad I don't know how...haha. Maybe that will be a part of my post surgery rehab. Anyway, you're great!

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