
bilbo said it best....

"I feel thin, sort of stretched. Like butter scraped over too much bread."

Oh man you guys. There couldn't be better words to describe my life right now. 
I must start with a disclaimer that I, and we, are thrilled with this stage we are in. Pregnancy is such a huge blessing, and I know there are many families who would give everything to be in our position. We are so so grateful for this little one growing inside of me! 

That being said, I don't think I've ever felt more worn out in my life. It's such a nasty combination of exhaustion and feeling, well, SUPER crappy all the time. (No need to sugar coat things!)
I feel like I could deal with life if those were the only things on my plate. But ever since school started, it's been a constant whirlwind of homework, and projects, and group meetings, and workatthisjob then runofftoyournextjob then runofftoyournextjob, and this test and that test, and babysit! babysit! babysit!, and don't forget to house train the puppy that's not even yours (because if YOU don't do it, no one else will!), and keep the house clean because the dishes have piled up AGAIN, and solve the latest family crisis, and teach primary, and get amazing grades OR ELSE, and apply for internships, and budget or else you'll be broke, and grocery shop but try not to puke while you look at all the food!, and don't get sick, and work on your marriage, and make sure you exercise and eat well because oh that's right you are growing another human, and don't forget to smile while you're doing it all!
I don't think all of this would be that bad if I could actually eat enough to function, and if I didn't throw up all the time and if I could actually sleep well at night and you know..... all those other basic needs.

I'm sorry to complain.
I'm just. So. Dang. Tired. 
I just need like one day where we don't have any commitments or work or homework or babysitting or family obligations or cleaning or teaching other crap that has to be done. If I could just have a tiny little break to recoup, I know I could manage much much better. 
And let's be real. This morning sickness can just high tail it outta here because it's been 8 weeks strong and I've just had it with the puking and the ick factor that comes along with everything that's not Panda Express.

I give you 100% permission to complain about anything and everything in your comments.
If it's going to be a big whiny fest, we might as well enjoy it together!!


Chantel said...

Yeah girl, you say it! That is a lot on your plate! I hope rest comes for you soon, because that is INSANE all you have to deal with!!

Here's mine:

I am SOOO SO SO sick of the men in this area. (see blog for that one... I have been going off)

And I'm so tired of studying; I think my brain will fall out.

Megan Conrad said...

Hang in there, Brooke. I love reading your blog, and I'm so excited for you guys! :)

p.s. I'm sick of school... and people... and full plates... and money (or lack of it)... and... yeah... I'll leave it at that. :)

Lana said...

As one of the devoted three ;) I would like to comment. BUT Prez Silver Fox Uchtdorf said it best:

My dear friends and brethren, no matter how many times you have slipped or fallen, rise up! Your destiny is a glorious one! Stand tall and walk in the light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ! You are stronger than you realize. You are more capable than you can imagine. You can do it now!

Unknown said...

Amen, Brooke! Although I'm pretty sure you have it worse than me... So I shouldn't even complain.

But I must say... I just changed my name last week (!) and now I have to wait for my new license to get here before I can apply for a passport, which is throwing a wrench in the way I expected things to go! Ah!

You're awesome. Can we please come play with that boxer puppy?

Anonymous said...

I broke my knee then got practically kicked off the cheer squad because of said broken knee and a broken knee just hurts all the time! And then i came back to my dorm which has been quarantined because my roommate has chicken pox and i really do not want a broken knee and chicken pox. And living in a dorm room with a whole bunch of girls lends itself easily to drama. and then my laptop broke and hello?! Im a college student I need my laptop!! and everyone treats me like a child and tells me nothing and I havent eaten since breakfast an I havent slept!

Wow. That was fantastic. I might just come back every week and vent.

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