
wellness wednesday: what's up, I'm back

It's been a while since one of these!
Truth be told, I haven't had a legitimate "wellness" feeling on a Wednesday basically since I got pregnant.
In the fall, it was more like "well I only threw up twice today so that's good" Wednesday. 
Or "hey I ate something that wasn't cold cereal without wanting to die" Wednesday. 
Then Christmas break came and I was finally feeling better, but my Wednesday's consisted of being a glutton because it felt so good to finally have a desire to eat again. And sorry guys, but gluttony does NOT constitute wellness. So there's that. And now here we are! A month into the new year, and I'm finally back into a regular exercise routine and eating like a normal person again. Although there are definitely days when IMUSTHAVECHOCOLATEMILKRIGHTNOWORIWILLDIE. But I wouldn't be a normal pregnant person if that wasn't the case, so I guess that's fine. 
Anyways. Majorly digressing here......

It feels so wonderful to be taking care of my body again, pregnant as it is! It's strange because it's definitely not responding the same way it used to, and I can't tolerate as much physical exertion because OBVIOUSLY a basketball is now protruding from my stomach. Growing a person is awkward.


Oh wait. There's a lot more than pregnancy that's awkward about this photo.

So I am noticing some differences as I've adjusted my exercise routine specifically:
1. My sciatica has calmed down a fair amount, which is awesome! It was so bad that I couldn't walk without horrific pain in my lower back, hips and legs, and it's much more manageable now. I know for CERTAIN that it's because I've been exercising.... but more specifically weight training. I have such a testimony of weight training! Thank you, amen.

2. I've been sleeping really well. Thankfully I haven't had many nights where I'm tossing and turning, but I notice I sleep much more soundly (and have MUCH crazier dreams ha!) when I've exercised that day verses not. I'm hoping this trend continues as my belly keeps expanding. TBD I guess!

3. I have a lot more energy. I'm noticing the exhaustion sloooowwwly creeping back (blast this second trimester coming to an end!), but my energy definitely spikes on the days I exercise. Again, a trend I'm hoping continues as I keep getting bigger.

4. I'm more...... regular. If you know what I mean. And this is awesome, because who's trying to be constipated when they're also preggo? NOT ME.

So here's what I've been doing, in a nutshell:
Exercise: I've been trying to make it to the gym 3-4 times a week, nothing crazy. This includes roughly 2 days of weight training, a day of hard core kickboxing, maybe some time on the elliptical, and a day for my beloved Zumba of course. Each thing I try to modify so as to cater to my awesome pregnant self
(no jumping in Zumba, inclined benches for weight lifting, don't sweat too much, etc.).
I also end up walking about 30 minutes a day, each day of the week, because of hoofing it across campus so much. I feel pretty good, and I think it's a good amount of exercise for me personally.
Food: Basically I've just been eating normal amounts of normal stuff (ie sandwiches at lunch), with some extra veggies here and there (frozen counts too!), and a sprinkle of something I want every day (like a handful of candy or some chips). Nothing special going on here, I'm just trying not too go crazy and eat everything I want. Which would be an obscene amount, let me tell you. I've also been trying to drink around 100 oz. of water a day which is SO CRUCIAL for me. I think I notice the biggest difference in how I feel overall when I do/don't drink enough water. It's the difference between super grouchy/tired/brain fogged Brooke and happy/clear headed/mostly sane Brooke.
The latter is definitely better.
I also have such a testimony of hydration, thank you amen!

So I know it's probably pointless to post all of this because no one cares but me, baby, and maybe Christian, but you guys. I just feel so much better now that I'm taking care of myself after the last 4 months of basically NOT. I guess I'm just documenting these things now because I'm sure April and May are going to roll around, and I'm going to feel huge and tired all the time, and maybe this will give me some motivation to head to the gym and eat some veggies because :
"You love it more than sitting on the couch and eating chocolate, Brooke!"
Or something like that :) Anyways, another huge digression to finish this lengthy post.
So, you're welcome for that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that you are staying active during pregnancy and I'm writing this down because I definitely want to be active and fit whenever I get pregnant too!

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