
girl talk

This is a post about periods. You've been warned.
So, now that that's outta the way...

Mine came back a measly two months after giving birth. What's with all that crap about breastfeeding supposedly keeping it away?! Oh yeah, crap, that's what.

I forgot how much I loved that part of being pregnant. Not only that, but my hormones were just dreamy. I'm WAY better off pregnant in that regard. (Probably that will be a factor in how quickly I want another baby. Just don't tell Christian ;) )

Anyways, you guys. I need to know I'm not alone and I need to get some ideas for how to combat the wretched week and a half before aunt flo arrives. I seriously have the worst PMS in the world. I'm exhausted all the time (and having a baby/being in school/working doesn't help that of course!), I feel like I cry at the drop of a hat, I don't want to do anything that I normally love, I feel neglected by my husband if he's not fawning over me and telling me how awesome I am 24 hours a day, I want to eat ALL THE CANDY, my patience is non-existent, and basically I hate almost every second of the day. Then my period comes and I'm like "WOW! I'm a freaking new woman! I love life! Do all the things!" And then rainbows shoot out of my eyes because seriously, that's how much energy I feel like I gain overnight.

Here's my dilemma: I don't know how to deal with this! I consistently exercise 4-5 times a week (even when I'm PMS-y), I eat pretty healthy (the occasional donuts, candy and soda aside. HEY WE CAN'T ALL BE PERFECT!), I'm trying to get enough sleep, and I'm not on BC because that stuff is just... too much. What are some other things I can do? Magical herbal concoctions? TV shows that will take my mind off the doom and gloom? A comfort food? A pill I'm not taking? Hey, I'll even take a spell at this point. Alas, we don't live in the land of Harry Potter, so that option is probably last on the list.

Am I the only one who deals with this on this level? Hormones are great for some things (winkwink), but they just wreck me sometimes, and I need some sister love and help.

Seriously though. Send chocolate and a Meg Ryan movie stat.


Kimber said...

2 months afterward?! That is so not fair, I'm sorry darling, that seriously does suck. I have no answers for you though, I luck out in not really dealing with this. I wish more of my SILs were like you in that they would ADMIT they need something more to help them each month. Seriously some of them are CRAY CRAY and you KNOW what has to be going on

Jared + Carly Reid said...

my college roommate had the exact same symptoms you described and was diagnosed with PMDD. even the rainbows shooting out of her eyes once she finally started. :) seriously! ask your dr about it. i'm sure they'd be able to help. and baby nash is so cute!!!

Julie Button said...

I don't even know what to tell you. I suffer from the same thing, minus the period. At first I'd say stay I BC but you already are. Sounds like you are headed down the road of post partum blues turning into post partum depression. Talk to your dr. I didn't do anti depressants but did a little dose of I think progesterone, it worked miracles for me, I came out of the funk way faster than my previous pregnancy. Ultimately I know I need more sleep, me time (the best for me is socialization), and less stress. All of those things come really hard with a newborn. Good luck! I'm heading into this fun stage and as much as I try to prepare I know I'll still be hit with it.

Raquel said...

I got my period back at 2 months with my 2nd just like you. I'm pretty sure I cried about it. And come to think of it, I was much more hormonal that year! I did finally see a doctor to get my levels checked and started taking mega weekly doses of vitamin D and a small dose of thyroid med. and then with time I started feeling better and I ditched the meds.

Nicole said...

ah, girl, sometimes being a woman is just ridiculous. sorry about your period, i got mine back really fast too. honestly, i think breastfeeding makes us even more hormonal, and it will probably be awhile until you feel more regulated since those breastfeeding hormones are crazy. but be patient with yourself! it might be a good idea to see a doctor and find out if there is a supplement you could take. i wish i would've done that. i got off the pill because i thought it made me crazy haha but you are already off it. also, CALL ME so we can chat about lady stuff. xo

Unknown said...

First, I just think you are awesome for putting this out here. We all struggle with so many of the same things, so honestly is was just refreshing to read! I am SO sorry though. It is so hard to feel unstable. The thing that helped me was walking and getting lots of sun time. I can totally relate though, I went back the semester after Parker was born and worked too... It was hard! I dealt a lot with post partum depression. I could be wrong, but it doesn't sound like you have PPD. My post partum was consistent and continual. It didn't have anything to do with my cycle. But then again, my cycle didn't come back for a while. I agree with the others, I would talk to your doctor. You are awesome. The hormones are psycho. If it is any consolation, sooner than you think you will be feeling much better. You rock, Brooke! :-)

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