
Aaaannndddd one more thing

Seeing as how I was all "out of town" and such, I have not had the chance to birthday post for my dear friend Raquel Andrus! Rewind to July 24, and Happy Birthday my dear sistah!

1. I met Raquel my freshman year of high school when my family moved to Florida. I was the meager age of 14-15, while she was the ever so old senior. Age did not keep us from being friends however. I grew to love this incredible girl with my whole heart. She always set such a tremendous example for me, and I was amazed at the things she did... at who she was. She always seemed to be so "above" petty, silly, worldly things. Her head was screwed on tight. I heard once that a good friend makes you want to be a better person, and they make it easier to live the gospel. She has done both for me. Even though I only lived in Florida for a year, her influence in my life has lasted through all 6 years I have known her. What a tremendous friend :)
plus we make cool shirts together with lyrics from our favorite spanish songs HA.

2. She is such a super model! I mean look at her! She is a mom now too, which only adds to her already radiant persona. And I was always so jealous of her amazing ebony mane of hair. Gorge.

3. She makes me laugh and she is easy to talk to. Even though she is all married, and I really havent seen her in about 2 years, I did enough talking to her while living in Florida and through the rest of high school to verify my first statement. One time, we skipped school and went to the beach, and we really spent the whole day wandering around the pier and lounging on our towels... just talking. One of my fondest memories with Raquel.

4. Her spirituality rivals that of the general relief societ president (I hope that doesn't sound ridiculous, because it is true). I remember this one time she came to spend the night at my house because my parents were gone, and as we were getting in to bed, she pulled out her scriptures and Ensign. I was so impressed at the fact that even though she was at another person's house, she didn't let the important things falter. That has always stuck with me.

How lucky I am to have such a tremendous friend. Maybe one day when I am actually un-single, I will be able to hang out with her and her cute family more! :)
Happy late Birthday Raqui!

*baby picture courtesy of Raquel's blog*

1 comment:

Raquel said...

i love you brooksta!

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