But I really am in exam mode right now... Hence the formatting.
True: wearing glasses when I read or study makes me feel MUCH smarter. I would know... I did it for six straight hours on Saturday. My theory? The smarter I feel whilst trying to MAKE myself smarter (aka studying) will ultimately result in a smarter Brooke. Sick of that word yet? (meaning the word "smarter", not "Brooke". Don't be silly.)
False: I still hate my Spanish class. Thankfully yes, this is false. It is actually rather enjoyable now. So enjoyable that I am actually doing something for it OUTSIDE of class on Thursday.
False: I still hate my Spanish class. Thankfully yes, this is false. It is actually rather enjoyable now. So enjoyable that I am actually doing something for it OUTSIDE of class on Thursday.
Night of Argentina? Cheyeah.
True: the other day while I was stopped at a stop light (pardon my redundancy), the blinker of the car in front of me was PERFECTLY synced to the song I was listening to for about a minute.
It was so awesome, it probably made my whole day.
False: I am thrilled with the fact that I have to get a new tire put on my car today. And fork over 95 bucks. Seriously, soooo excited!
True: Sundays are, BAR NONE, my favorite day of the week. Yesterday was an especially good one. Picture this: after attending 3 lovely hours of church in the morning, I came home and ate a delicious pot roast dinner with my roommates Lauren, Tashya, Claira and other friends. Then worked on my New Testament reading for a little bit after which talked with my roommates for a while. Then, a slew of wonderfully fun people came over and played games for a few hours, immediately followed by two other friends Miles and Isaac, whom Claira Beara and I sat and talked with for about another hour. Needless to say, I was exhausted from all the socializing, eating, and churching, but it was such a pleasant day. I am already counting down to the next one.
False: I love socializing allll thhheeeee tiiiimmmeee. Like I was not even phased yesterday when I had to talk to the aforementioned 5 billion people after church. NOT. EVEN. PHASED.
True: I really miss my family. All I want right now is a nice brother-hug.
True: the other day while I was stopped at a stop light (pardon my redundancy), the blinker of the car in front of me was PERFECTLY synced to the song I was listening to for about a minute.
It was so awesome, it probably made my whole day.
False: I am thrilled with the fact that I have to get a new tire put on my car today. And fork over 95 bucks. Seriously, soooo excited!
True: Sundays are, BAR NONE, my favorite day of the week. Yesterday was an especially good one. Picture this: after attending 3 lovely hours of church in the morning, I came home and ate a delicious pot roast dinner with my roommates Lauren, Tashya, Claira and other friends. Then worked on my New Testament reading for a little bit after which talked with my roommates for a while. Then, a slew of wonderfully fun people came over and played games for a few hours, immediately followed by two other friends Miles and Isaac, whom Claira Beara and I sat and talked with for about another hour. Needless to say, I was exhausted from all the socializing, eating, and churching, but it was such a pleasant day. I am already counting down to the next one.
False: I love socializing allll thhheeeee tiiiimmmeee. Like I was not even phased yesterday when I had to talk to the aforementioned 5 billion people after church. NOT. EVEN. PHASED.
True: I really miss my family. All I want right now is a nice brother-hug.
This is probably the truest of all the above true-statements.
The End.
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