
waiting with { very } baited breath

I fear that my sixth sense has kicked in, as it sometimes does.
Don't worry, I'm definitely not seeing dead people.

However, for the last few days, I've been filled with an overwhelming sense of anxiety. 
Like, to the point that I can't think straight or relax.
And last night when I was trying to fall asleep, I was having trouble breathing. 
 (it sounds worse now that I'm writing it out.... don't worry, I'm not dying!)

Anyways, this has happened to me a few times before in the past.
 I get this overwhelming feeling of anticipation....
(not necessarily the good kind)
 You know, like when you can just feel that something is off. 
Or something big is coming.
Or maybe a little bit of both. 
And basically EVERY SINGLE TIME I feel this way, something big happens. 
My family has to move across the country. 
I get called at the Relief Society President. 
Christian gets home from his mission, and 4 months later we are engaged. 
We have to quit our jobs and suddenly move to Florida for the summer. 
I've had these feelings before every single one of these events in the past. 
So you can see why I would be nervous....

AND, last night as I was feeling all this, 
out of no where Christian said he was having the same exact feelings. 

Anyways, it's probably nothing.... And this definitely isn't blog worthy material so please forgive me. 
I've just been needing some way to get this off my chest, because I can't handle the physical strain that it's causing me ha.



Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

I used to feel like my anxiety was a good indicator of something about to happen, but then something happened and I realized I just felt like that all of the time.

I hope what is coming up is a good surprise and not a crazy one.

Lana said...

a spirit baby is trying to tell you to let him into your belly. definitely. :)

Kimber said...

definitely a baby...

Megan Conrad said...

I'm sorry for the anxiety. I've experienced feelings like that. It's good that you are writing your feelings out. I also really like taking walks- especially out in this beautiful weather! Hope things feel better soon! Don't forget to take care of yourself while you're feelin' the stress!

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