
blog overhaul and apt. building M

I seem to be the queen of cheese-ballin it these days, so true to form, this morning when I sat down and opened up this blog, I got all symbolic and decided that a little change was in order. 
You see, having recently gotten married, I am learning something. Your life changes A LOT.
It feels like your whole life is getting a bit of a "start over", if you will.

Thus, in the most metaphorical of ways, I cleaned up the blog. New name and all. 
How's THAT for a productive morning!
(You may be laughing, but that was about all I could work on until around 12:30. We were getting a new bathtub installed, so it's not like I could be all domestic like usual! Also.... A new tub!? I am soooo instigating a bath time date night tonight. WHAT.)

And since I have become well accustomed to our new digs, because I'm still jobless and I sit at home for a majority of the day.... Here are some facts about our new place:

- It's HUGE. Well, by our college student standards. I was trying to explain to my mom the size of our dining and sitting area, and I so eloquently said "You could fit like 7 air mattresses side by side, all the way across the room".
Don't ask why I used air mattresses as my example.

-There is no AC in our bedroom. Seeing as how it hasn't topped 75 during the day yet, this hasn't been a big deal. But we are most likely going to have a problem once these humid summer days hit. Bridge to cross later, right?

- You can hear everything our neighboors say in their bathroom through the window in ours. 
Awkward and funny all at the same time. 
Also, this is probably TMI, but I am noticing that the wife and I have a pretty similar potty schedule.
That's funny on several levels, but mostly just because I used the word "potty", like I'm 4.

- We have wood floors! This is a level of classiness that was unheard of at our last complex!

- Walk in closet! Another untouched level of classiness!

- These 2 birds, whom I have deemed Bonnie and Clyde because they seem so devious, roam the complex and have taken a liking to our building.
They are called Guineas, they are huge and prehistoric looking, and they are hilarious.

- And finally... everything smells like curry in our building. 
Which isn't a bad thing, I love the stuff!
It's just hilarious, because there are literally Indians everywhere. It's awesome. 

Welp, there you have it. 
Learning the ins and outs of Jersey life everyday. Isn't it great?

1 comment:

Claira Wilson said...

I really should only read your blog when I'm alone because I always end up being in an awkward situation where I laugh out loud (at something like the word potty) while I'm in public... Then they ask why I'm laughing. Bad every time. Also, your life sounds so great! I'm excited you have finally joined the married club, and I'm even more excited for you to rejoin the "Provo Married Club" so that I can laugh at your jokes in person.

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