
funny things about life lately

- Country dancing to Pitbull in Zumba this morning. 
Also any time during the class when someone does that weird Zumba yell. 
You're a true Zumbi if you know what I'm talking about.

- The fact that it's like 50 degrees outside, and Christian and I have been downing about 15 otter pops a day. Also we didn't do that once this summer, so I guess we are in seasonal denial?

- When the littlest told me this morning that she had watched "Poke-the-hontas" (Pocahontas, of course).
Kill me dead with cuteness. Also laughter.

- Today when I saw a truck full of pinatas. 
I want in on that!

- Mine and Christian's unspoken obsession with watching Man vs. Wild every single night. 
It goes like this:
"I'm done with my homework."
"Oh me too."
Promptly sit on the couch and watch and episode (or 4) together without having to say a word. 
That's marriage, folks. 

- This buzzfeed.
Preach it, Jim.

- Singing any song with Christian. 
It's inevitable that we both start purposely singing out of tune and dancing absurdly and just generally being foolish. It's too funny. 
Also, our poor children amiright?

Anyways, that's life at the moment. It's good and funny and weird and hard and crazy and awesome and sometimes it makes me want to poke my eyes out while simultaneously singing for joy. But I've got a sweet husband who's my best friend and we are working hard to be good together, and sometimes that's the only thing that matters. 


Chantel said...

Oh this melted my heart!!! After I laughed out loud at that Jim Gaffigan page. AWESOME!

But seriously, I need a man and relationship like you have with Christina. It swoons me :)

Courtney B said...

Hahaha! We have already watched all the episodes of man vs wile. Marrrrrrrriage!
I haven't been to zumba in YEARS and I kind of miss it!

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