
14 weeks

And look who finally decided to show up. 

Maybe I look like I just ate too much Taco Bell, but Christian and I have definitely noticed a difference this week. This is one of the sad realities of being tall. Baby has a lot of room to grow, and all mom has to show for it is awkward bloat and tight underwear!
(Which, by the way... THE WORST)
Also, our bathroom mirror is way too small for any sort of belly shot, so the bathroom at work it is!
Pregnancy has gotten SO much better these days. I went 4 1/2 days without throwing up this week, and I've been to the gym 4 times, so I'm calling it a win. 
 Also, we went to the doctor this morning, and baby and I are fine and dandy! I've only lost weight since this whole thing started (which I'm certainly not mad about! I'm sure I'll pack on the pounds soon enough!), and we are only a few weeks away from our gender ultrasound (EEEEEEE). Any guesses? Both our entire families think it's a girl. Minus the brothers who insist it's a boy of course.
And there's the update for you :)

Also, can I get a halle-freaking-lujah for the second trimester? Life seems so much happier now that I'm not wallowing under a blanket of calorie depletion, vomit, emotional trauma and brain fog (actually let's be real that's still there! Pregnancy brain ftw!). 
I'm so thankful that I can soak in these next few months of the holidays and colder weather, anticipate school coming to a close, and dream about a heavenly Christmas break right around the corner. 

Also I have to admit. I've been listening to Christmas music non-stop, and that certainly does a lot to improve my mood. Haters gonna hate, but I'll take any ounce of holiday-induced-happiness I can get!


Lauren said...

So glad you are feeling better!! You are looking fantastic. First of all, the being tall/pregnant thing is a fear of mine. I wanna be cute and pregnant (eventually) but I fear my long torso will make that difficult. (And in case you are wondering--I think you are looking super cute.)

Also, I really like your hair.

Lana said...

The long torso is a HUGE blessing. Just you wait. It is really nice to be small and cute up to the last day. Because you feel so crappy, it is nice to not look so crappy. Plus you can still move around and tie your shoes and such. Also, *nostalgia* I want to be pregnant again. Look how lovely you look! I want another baby! Also, I feel like when I'm pregnant again I'll have more of a reason to say, "Hey, here's your daughter, I'm going to the gym. Also, husband, can you pay for a gym membership? thanksomuch."

Nicole said...

You look amazing! It's so much fun when you finally start showing! I'm so so glad that you are feeling much better! Hooray for the second trimester!

And shout out to the hinckley center bathroom!

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