
this weekend....

We spent some much needed time together and with family, away from Provo, school, work, and most importantly... 
our gross apartment complex. 

Seriously though, that is one thing I am thrilled for when it comes to this whole getting married thing. 
We can move out of our 70's relic, Southridge, and start living the high life!
(Probably not, but it's a nice idea)

Anyways, I digress.
This weekend, we also got to watch general conference, which was as uplifting as ever. 
I'm so thankful for spiritually filling things like that. 
It's wonderful to be filled with fresh resolve to do better.

Not much else happened. 
Just lots of unadulterated snuggly time on the couch. 
Can't say I minded much, even though lazing around all day and eating so much food made me feel like a FAT LARD.
Guess you can't have your cake and eat it too, right?
(Also, you can't have your cake and then feel skinny after eating it too, in case you were wondering. I tried this weekend after eating a slice of Martha Stewart cream cheese poundcake, and failed. Yes, it was delicious. No, I don't even feel bad about it!)

So here is a fun, but mostly weird, fact: Remember my thing with painting my toenails?
Yeah, well I got dangerously close to breaking my streak yesterday.
Case in point:
*Warning, awkward feet picture ahead*
more fun fact: I have had that toe ring for approximately 7 years.
And probably I have only taken it off maybe 8 times.
My fellow toe ring wearers know what I'm talking about...

Final fun fact: Did you know Christian's favorite thing to do these days is giving me foot massages?
Yeah. I know. He doesn't even judge me for my sad unpainted nails and flipper-like appendages!
That's a good man I've got right there.

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